The best restaurants in Paderne, Algarve
8 restaurantes within 5 km
The best restaurants to have lunch or dinner and eat well in Paderne. Paderne is recognized nationally and internationally for its gastronomy, in Paderne you will find the most famous restaurants in the Algarve. People from all over the Algarve come daily for lunch and dinner in Paderne's restaurants. Discover the best restaurants in Paderne by consulting our list
Restaurant Os Arcos

a 0.1 Km
Paderne . Algarve
Praça Nova Snack-bar

a 0.1 Km
Paderne . Algarve
Restaurant Moiras Encantadas

a 0.1 Km
Paderne . Algarve
Snack Bar O Estádio

a 0.1 Km
Paderne . Algarve
Zip-Zip Restaurant

a 0.1 Km
Paderne . Algarve
Veneza Restaurant

a 1,7 Km
Paderne . Algarve
Mato à Vista Restaurant

a 2,7 Km
Paderne . Algarve
Xerém Restaurant (fusion cuisine)

a 4,1 Km
Paderne . Algarve