Safari in Gorongosa Park
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-12-02
I had already visited other wildlife parks including Kruger Park, but after visiting Gorongosa park I was impressed, without a doubt that this must be the best park in the world for wildlife and the best thing about the park is that it is really life wild, in Gorongosa park there are no fences, the animals move wherever they want without limitations, there are no roads through the middle, there are no resorts, there is only bush and savannah and animal life. To visit the park, the best and practically only option is to stay at the lodge inside the park, any other option is too far away, and the ideal safari is to start very early and get ready for a day full of adventure. You can't just take your car and walk around the park, you have to hire a park guide in your own car to take you because really only they know where to go, if you go alone you can be sure that after 5 minutes you don't even know come back, there are no paths. The amount of animals is impressive, but to be able to see the lions, for example, you need luck, it worked for me to offer 100Usd to the guide to take me with the lions, and it was a drive, several hours until he found out where they were, in Gorongosa park the Animals don't stay long in the same place. Another of the park's attractions is watching the sunset. It's all worth it and every penny paid. It's not exactly a cheap experience but it's worth it, then you have to take into account that you need to fly to Beira airport, and then rent a car or hire a taxi to go to the park, or if your wallet is full, hire a flight private and direct access to the park that has an airstrip.
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Vila de Gorongosa . Sofala . Moçambique
Vacations in Maputo, Mozambique
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-12-01
Maputo cannot be considered a holiday destination, in my case Maputo served as a starting point to visit other destinations in Mozambique. In any case, Maputo has some places of interest to visit, places with the history of a recent past but which continue to be of interest. But first of all it is worth mentioning that Maputo is a dangerous city, you should not bring anything of value with you and you have to pay attention to the friends of the stranger but also not forget that the police can stop to ask for a refreshment. Perhaps the best thing is to hire a local guide to take you to places of interest and somehow give you a little more security in addition to the information. Therefore, an interesting place to visit is the Maputo Central Market opened in 1901, you cannot miss the train station (train) considered one of the most beautiful in the world by Forbes magazine, the Fortress of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, where you can see close up the wooden coffin with the remains of Ngungunhane, the controversial emperor of Gaza, (Feima), the Handicraft, Flowers and Gastronomy Fair of Maputo, another suggestion is to visit the Fish Market, there you can buy fish and fruits from the sea and take them to the side, where you can choose one of the numerous stalls that prepare food on the spot, the Casa de Ferro built by Gustave Eiffel in 1892 is another place to visit. One of the restaurants I recommend is Restaurante Marnabrasa with fabulous cuisine and service, and at night or even during the day, South Beach. Maputo is one of the destinations where you can eat very well, especially what comes from the sea.
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Maputo . Maputo . Moçambique
Vacations on the Island of Mozambique
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2022-03-05
We hear so much about Africa, about Mozambique that we are curious to know one day. That's what happened to me, one day I decided to go to Africa and from South Africa to discover Mozambique by car. Everyone told me I was crazy, first because I was alone, second because I was in a very normal car, Peugeot 306, third because it was dangerous, fourth because the roads were very bad, but as I am stubborn I went anyway. Today I look back and it was worth it, I made the journey from Maputo to Ilha de Moçambique and came back. When I arrived in Beira, the information they gave me was that the road up was only potholes, that there were no gas stations, there was no food... But I went anyway, the route from Beira to Nampula was really scary , the roads were good after all, but there was no support and it was more than 700km, but I say it again, it was worth it. After a stop in Nampula, I continued on to the Island of Mozambique... Beautiful, the island still has traces of its heyday, you can see that it had good houses, it had good conditions, it had a good atmosphere... there was, because almost everything is in ruins, you can't say it's dirty, but it's a lot of poverty, but I came here to drink history and history is there all around a corner. The beaches are beautiful, waters of a beautiful blue and temperate, fine sands and a people, in spite of everything, welcoming. I can't say it's a place to go on vacation, it's a place to visit and maybe stay a night but it's worth it for the history and adventure to get there
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Mozambique Island . Nampula . Moçambique
Holidays and visit to Cape Town, South Africa
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-11-27
They are one of those places that you want to visit at least once in your life, Cape Town has a lot to do and a lot to visit. Starting with the busy harbor area, many restaurants and a wide range of boat trips, another place not to be missed is the mountain to the north of the city or Table Mountain, and not to be missed is the sunset in the city of cable, they say it's unique, I went and loved it. Not far from Cape Town is the penguin colony on the way to the Cape of Good Hope. Another of the opportunities and places to visit are the vineyards and wineries, the best thing is to buy a tour that will show you the cellars and vineyards. The best time of year to visit Cape Town is in summer (from December to March) this is the driest period of the year, with average temperatures around 21ºC, but on extreme days they exceed 30ºC. It is during this period that the city receives more tourists, has more parties and lives its splendor. Don't forget to visit Robben Island. You cannot miss visiting Penguins Beach with hundreds of them in their natural habitat.
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Cape Town . Western Cape . África do Sul
Visit to the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-11-27
It was a very good experience. Feeling that I was at a mythical point and at the same time feeling that I was far from home. My visit to the Cape of Good Hope, I left Cape Town very early, took the road towards the Cape and enjoyed the beautiful landscapes and animal life. It cannot be said that the Cape itself has much to see, but it is worth all the way to get there, we find colonies of monkeys, ostriches, zebras, etc. and many corners with beautiful landscapes. It is, as you can say, a unique experience.
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Cape Town . Western Cape . África do Sul
Visiting the Island of Aruba
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-11-28
When I decided to visit the Island of Aruba, it was by chance and I didn't prepare anything, I had just had a car accident in Brazil and while the Troler was repairing I decided to go somewhere, I was in Fortaleza in Ceará, I looked at the tickets by plane and saw a good price ticket to Aruba, I booked the ticket right away (one way) and the next day I was flying to Aruba. As I didn't know if I was going to like it or not, I didn't even decide to schedule the return, then I decided. I arrived in Aruba, rented a car and went exploring. My opinion: Aruba has good beaches, very beautiful blue waters, fine and very clear sand, warm water, a wonder. the north side already has beaches with more waves, more wind and which are used for water sports. The island itself is very arid, with little vegetation. In relation to the capital Oranjestad, a lot of movement, good bars and restaurants, a lot of occupation for the tourist who likes entertainment. It is often asked what is the best time of year to visit Aruba, the best time is all year round, Aruba rains little and it never rains a whole day, so as the main attraction of Aruba are the beaches, there are beaches all year round.
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Oranjestad . Aruba . Aruba
Roasted Patagonian lamb, delicious
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2022-03-05
I tried the famous Patagonian roast lamb, and it's not just any lamb, it has to be Patagonian lamb, and as I was told, it has to do with the animal's diet. But eating a lamb roasted in the Patagonian way is for those who have time, a lot of time. Lamb takes at least 7 hours to roast. First they make a fire on the ground, then the lamb is tied to a type of swastika cross, it is positioned standing at an angle over the fire and so it is roasted, first on one side and then on the other. I had the privilege of eating this specialty 3 times. the first time was at the invitation of my friend Oscar de Brito, who invited me to have lunch at his house the famous lamb prepared by his father-in-law, then I went back to eat at a restaurant in Ushuaia and the last time the strangest was in a village in Bajo Caracoles, in a workshop shed where Oscar (another Oscar) also of Portuguese origin was preparing the famous roast in a corner. I accepted his proposal, he put the lamb and I put the drink, deal done. In all, it was a wonder, a delight
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Bajo Caracoles . Santa Cruz . Argentina
Visiting Commodore Rivadavia and Rada Tilly
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-11-28
Getting to Comodo Rivadavia has 2 options, either by road or by plane, I went by car and it is without a doubt the most exciting way to do it. It's 1730 km from Buenos Aires along Ruta 3, but the interesting thing is not just the road, it's all that we can stop and visit along almost 2000 km. Then it's one of those roads where you never get to the end, there are dozens and dozens of kilometers in a straight line where the landscape is always the same and where from time to time you have to stop so you don't get your eyes closed. Comodoro Rivadávia has one of the largest Portuguese communities in all of Argentina and for that reason alone it was worth it. Comodoro is also the largest producer of oil and natural gas in Argentina, which is perhaps why it is one of the cities with the best quality of life. When I arrived in Comodoro, I met a descendant of Portuguese, Oscar de Brito, who took me to know the city and where the oil wells are located, as well as the sea lion communities and the landscapes of the region. 12 km from Comodoro is the town of Rada Tilly which is a satellite town of Comodoro where middle and upper class families live. Rada Tilly is the seaside resort of Comodoro with a beautiful beach located in the bay of Rada Tilly.
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Comodoro Rivadavia . Chubut . Argentina
Visiting Buenos Aires - Casa Rosada
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-11-28
Buenos Aires is a city where I felt nostalgia and a sense of well-being at the same time. Everything I've visited I've loved. Caminito is undoubtedly one of the places not to be missed, when we get involved in the history of the place we can transport ourselves to the time of immigrants, how they arrived and how they stayed and at the same time we feel the atmosphere of celebration and joy of the place. The streets are full of music, dancers, lots of tango and beautiful cuisine. Another of the places where I loved visiting was Tigre, strolling through the Tigre canals is a labyrinth of canals that almost looks like Venice where everything is transported by boat. To visit the canals of the Tigre, you need at least a morning or an afternoon, take one of the boats that run along the canals and let yourself go, they come and go, you don't even need to change boats. Then the entire city center is worth visiting, Plaza Mayo, Casa Rosada, the Recoleta cemetery, etc. And of course you can't miss a tango night, I went to one of the most typical and oldest houses in Buenos Aires, La Comparsita. I loved it.^ Buenos Aires will need at least 4 days to get to know the main points.
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San Telmo . Buenos Aires Capital . Argentina
Caribbean Holidays, Island of Antigua
Publicado por: Toni Martins em 2021-11-28
I loved visiting the island of Antigua, it cannot be said that the landscapes are very stunning, but the waters of the sea are of incredible beauty. I noticed that it is a little poor island with friendly and welcoming people. For those who like to escape the hustle and bustle of the most famous islands in the Caribbean, the Island of Antigua is the ideal destination for those who want to escape the crowd and are looking for good hotels, tranquility and lots of sea bathing. The Island of Antigua is a small island country and one of the safest places to go on vacation in the Caribbean. The Island of Antigua has a population of around 100,000. One of the good options to get to know the Island of Antigua and visit all its beautiful beaches is to rent a car. Don't forget that on the island of Antigua, the English hand is used for driving. The island has 365 beaches which is great for the locals and they jokingly say they can go to a different beach every day of the year. Ffryers Beach is considered one of the best beaches on the island and has been widely used as a backdrop for films and photo shoots. The climate is tropical with ideal temperatures for those who want to enjoy the sun and the beach.
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Antigua Island . Antigua . Antígua e Barbuda
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